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GCD believes that globalization should improve the lives of everyone regardless of their nationality, religion, creed, culture, age, sex and level of education. GCD also believes that development/ modernization should go hand in hand with natural and environmental conservation.

“We have inherited a large house, a great

 World House in which we have to live together”

   - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

As world citizens, GCD members believe that we all have a responsibility and duty to make this world a better place for all mankind with the strength that we have.

We also believe in the protection of the earth and any business activities that we conduct should be in harmony with the environment and in respect for people from different cultures. At GCD, we all believe in sharing of knowledge, know-how and finding opportunities for those who wish to make contributions to the world with the talents that they have, but may lack the “means” , network, and technology to achieve their business, career, or life goals.

GCD has been created on the principle of giving more to our customers, business partners, the society, country and the world and taking less. Through the “giving heart,” we believe that more people with the same or similar values will join us to create a civil society where we care about each other as we do business and live our lives.

To attest to our philosophy, we have made it our corporate policy to contribute part of the profits earned from our business activities to help fund activities initiated by the residents and business in The Millennium Town Project that aim at making social contributions or helping with the economic and social development of Thailand and other parts of the world that are in need of support. We encourage our town residents and business owners to think globally and do locally, while being a model world citizen or enterprise that cares about the environment and the well-being of others who share the world with us.

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